Cookbooks You’ll Love

Love food and love to cook? Love food and want to get out of the kitchen as quickly as possible? Enjoy food but hate the way your body reacts to some of it? Wondering what foods are most healing (or least damaging) for you? Some of these new releases are serious, some more for fun, but there’s a fabulous, useful food book here for everyone (and everyone on your holiday gift list).
* The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook: 40 Ways to Cook Crickets, Grasshoppers, Ants and more
David George Gordon
An entertaining book that tells how to grow and prepare the little pests, but not how to catch them. Not food for vegans but a better solution than pesticides. (Ten Speed Press)
* Bake and Destroy: Good Food for Bad Vegans
Natalie Slater
We love this book—who doesn’t enjoy being a little bad? Still, if you stick to the recipes in this delightful compendium, you’ll be a lot healthier than most of the world. (Page Street)
* The RAWvolution Continues: The Living Foods Movement in 150 Natural and Delicious Recipes
Matt and Janabai Amsden
Owners of the beloved store/eatery by the same name in Santa Monica, the Amsdens offer more than 150 raw recipes for truly natural health. These folks are the real deal, you can’t go wrong. (Atria)
* Raw Vegan Easy Healthy Recipes: Simple, Low-fat, Health-infusing Cuisine
John McCabe
John McCabe is an expert on raw foods and where to find them. If you’re vegan and missed his Sun Food Traveler, pick that one up too. It’s essential road book. (Carmania Books)
* Wild Edibles: A Practical Guide to Foraging
Sergei Boutenko
Nutrient data, cautions on identifying, recipes, uses… everything you need to know to stay alive in the wild. As the American Express card used to say, “Don’t leave home without it.” (North Atlantic Books)
* The Alzheimer’s Prevention Cookbook: Recipes to Boost Brain Health
Dr. Marwan Sabbagh and Beau MacMillan
The dementia rate among the elderly is dropping but it’s still close to 20 percent. There’s no reason not to follow these recipes to brain health. (Ten Speed Press)
* My Kitchen Cure: How I Cooked My Way Out of Chronic Autoimmune Disease with Whole Foods and Healing Recipes
Mee Tracy McCormick
Not only can you beat your genes (more about that coming in our December/January issue), but this handy guidebook will help you to overcome chronic autoimmune disease, guard against cancer and enjoy food (and life!) once again. (Lee Mee Inc)
* Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism
Donald R. Yance, CN, MH, RH
While not strictly a book about food, there is enough information in this very detailed compendium about specific foods targeted to individual health goals that this list would be incomplete without it. (Healing Arts Press)
* Meatonomics: How the Rigged Economics of Meat and Dairy Make You Consume Too Much
David Robinson Simon
Thanks to national government subsidies, it’s cheaper to eat GMO-infused dairy products than organic fresh almond milk. And that’s just for starters. Find out who benefits from the loss of healthful alternatives to the SAD (Standard American Diet). Clue: It’s not the consumer. (Conari Press)
* Voices of the Food Revolution: You Can Heal Your Body and Your World—with Food!
John Robbins and Ocean Robbins
Provocative interviews by food pioneer John Robbins and his son, of T. Colin Campbell, Jeffrey Smith, Morgan Spurlock, Neal Barnard, M.D. and other leading voices on food issues and policy. (Conari Press)
* Let’s Eat Out! Allergy Free Passport
This how-to guide instructs people with food sensitivities or allergies how to eat what they want, where they want and when they want, whether in their own localities or traveling abroad. Also available as an app. (Demos Health)
* Allergy-free and Easy Cooking: 30-Minute Meals without Gluten, Wheat, Dairy (etc.)
Cybele Pascal
Even your pickiest friends can agree on the recipes in this cookbook. They’re safe for almost everybody. (Ten Speed Press)
* Baking by Hand
Andy and Jackie King
A friend of ours used to magically appear every time fresh bread was pulled from the oven. And why not? This new release fully describes bread making without a mixer (and you’ll never take it out of the cabinet again.) (Page Street)
* Sweet Cravings: 50 Seductive Desserts for a Gluten-free Lifestyle
Kyra Bussanich
Let’s be clear about this: this cookbook is not sugar free. But if gluten is your only sensitivity, there’s plenty to like in this dessert compendium. (Ten Speed Press)