Book—Shortcuts to Mindfulness

100 Ways to Personal & Spiritual Growth

By Catherine AumanBkRev_shortcuts


Do you have times during your day when you just need a little pick-me-up? Instances when a few words that cut right to the chase would help you stop to take a breath or reflect for a moment? Catherine Auman’s Shortcuts to Mindfulness could be just what you’re looking for.

A licensed marriage and family therapist, Auman compiled her book from several sources—Everyday Ecstasy posts she wrote as a regular columnist for the website, teaching stories she uses in her private practice, and other articles she’s written. At last count, her online posts had been read by more than 14,000 enthusiastic readers.

Auman’s flashes of insight are sometimes thought-provoking short blasts, at others, insightful reminders. Her experience as a therapist gives her a rational perspective, but it’s tempered with spiritual insights, emotional awareness and welcome offbeat observations. Subjects include, for example, why we should stop focusing on self-esteem, why liking some activities is irrelevant to doing them, and ignoring common wisdom that you need to love yourself before you can love a partner.

You are sure to enjoy this delightful collection, as I did. Even if you don’t always agree with Auman’s conclusions, you will appreciate her causing you to think about things from a new, sometimes unexpected perspective. (Green Tara Press)