The Spiritual Mysteries of Blood

Its Power to Transform Body, Mind and Spirit

BkRev-SpirMysteriesBy Christopher Vasey, N.D.


In a significant departure from this Swiss naturopath’s earlier works (The Acid-Alkaline Diet, Optimal Detox), which address physical health from the perspective of integrative medicine, this offering explores the premise that the human soul or spirit is connected to the body through the blood.

Vasey’s perspective-shifting theory was revealed to him while reading a metaphysical work entitled In the Light of Truth: the Grail Message, by early 20th-century author Oskar Ernst Bernhard, also known as Abd-ru-shin. The concept of the blood’s bridging and “radiating” role twixt the body and the human spirit captured Vasey’s imagination, affording him a possible explanation of a medical quandary: “…why naturopathic treatments targeting a physical problem can also influence the mind, …suggest(ing) specific tools for working on the mind in a positive way, through the blood. In fact, by altering our blood composition, we can take positive steps to achieve mental balance and inner harmony.”

What follows is a fascinating survey detailing the primacy of blood over tissues and structures of the body, blood’s true purpose, physical and psychic factors influencing blood, blood’s influence on the spirit through perception, hormones and Hippocrates’ four temperaments, and the spirit’s influence on the blood affecting such things as longevity, sleep and death.

Vasey’s insights on changing blood’s energetic vibration (radiation) through diet stem from a 40-year career, and offer both practical methods for optimizing health and mystical musings aplenty.

The appendix provides a bonus—an excerpted chapter of relevant material from The Grail Message itself. (Healing Arts Press)


This article is a part of the Transformation Issue – December 2015/January 2016 issue of Whole Life Times.