From the Editor articles:

From the Editor Dec 2016 / Jan 2017


No matter how you may choose to celebrate, may you find time to relax and ENJOY the magic of the season with friends, family, and community. As we head into 2017 together, please know how much we appreciate you our dear readers, advertis­ers, and supporters! Thank YOU!

From the Editor Oct / Nov 2016


Welcome to our October/November annual Celebration of Food issue. Autumn is upon us and it’s time to celebrate the harvest and the abundance which surrounds us all.

Letter From the Editor

Dear Readers, Did you ever take one of those measu-re-your-carbon-footprint quizzes? I recycle like crazy, am insanely careful with water, eat mostly veggies, work mostly from home and print this magazine on FSC-certified paper. But using a car at all makes me a loser, and it’s frustrating. Everybody knows that L.A. is ecologically challenged when […]

Letter From the Publisher

Is it possible we’ve already passed the summer equinox? This summer absolutely flew by, but judging by the weather, we’d never know it was gone. It’s pouring and cool in the Midwest, but here in L.A.we have heat and Santa Ana winds.

Letter from the Publisher

By now you’ve probably devoured our June-July issue and are ready for more. It’s coming soon, August 1 to be exact!

Letter from the Publisher

Undoubtedly you were as disappointed as we were when Whole Life Times closed its doors in March. It had been a thriving community publication before ownership changed in 2002. The magazine had been rescued from near-extinction 12 years earlier, and had grown into a valuable connection point for Southern Californians hoping to create a more balanced way of living.