Holistic Healing & CBD

Think of Cannabis sativa as the mother plant. Both hemp (without THC) and marijuana (with THC) are cannabis. You can extract CBD from both hemp and marijuana. It’s the hemp-derived CBD, however, that you’re seeing everywhere.
Think of Cannabis sativa as the mother plant. Both hemp (without THC) and marijuana (with THC) are cannabis. You can extract CBD from both hemp and marijuana. It’s the hemp-derived CBD, however, that you’re seeing everywhere.
By feeling the conviction of our spirituality, recognizing our shortcomings, and truly awakening we can recognize we as a species connect to the Earth and each other.
Though it is important to source organic, fair trade, and sustainable when possible, some coffee shops and roasters are taking it one step further: Biodynamic farming. Biodynamic farming is not only organically farmed, but it is done so in rhythm with the cycles of the moon. A method of farming first introduced by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s, it is a holistic system of agriculture.
“One of the guiding mottos when envisioning Bodhi’s new form was to find a way to create an appealing balance drawn from the Transcendentalist’s values of wisdom, beauty, and truth.”
Of course, as individuals we have and use both brain operating systems to some degree, and so conservatives and liberals are—at least in theory—fully capable of seeing the complementary nature of their viewpoints and responses.
They’re bigger, faster and stronger than we are, yet temperate enough to be not only a child’s best friend, but also an effective means of working with the disabled, lonely, sad, clinically depressed or otherwise challenged.
Men assumed higher-pitched cries in boys meant the baby was in more discomfort. This is likely due to an ingrained stereotype that boy babies “should” have low-pitched cries.
“In the olden days, Chumash saw the spirit, mind and body as inseparable entities that could not be treated separately in disease. All healing involved the spirit, the mind and the body.”
Taking a few minutes to relax and center yourself can help keep you focused for the rest of the day.