The cellular vibration of Deva Premal & Miten By Jessica Arconti “Music is a form of medicine and meditation music is the ultimate elixir,” says Deva Premal, a German-born musician who performs her spiritual chants with audiences all over the world. “Singing has a strong healing power. Deep breathing changes our cells with the vibration […]

Neighborhood gardens range from private and serene to parkway medians
Four straight months of yoga practice
Each asana is a window into your psychological process and pattern
Krishna Das—that honey-tongued vocalist who headlines kirtan festivals all over the world and has brought more people to the joy of chanting than probably any other kirtan singer on the planet—is at heart a blues man.

A sweat lodge taps into the transformative power of intense heat
Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness By Alan W. Watts Venerated mentor of many, Alan Watts here explores and contrasts religious experience with that of psychedelic drugs. This long-awaited reissue of his out-of-print 1962 Pantheon classic has lost none of its luster and seems timelier than ever—introduced by eloquent next generation advocate and firebrand Daniel […]
Reality vs good intentions by Tracy Olson I started practicing mindfulness meditation a few years ago after a trip to India, inspired by the serene Tibetan monks with whom I sat and sat and lost feeling in my hindquarters in a cold and incense-filled monastery. Several months later, amidst snarls of traffic back in Los […]
The eight limbs of the Royal Path By Arun Deva Over the last two decades, the number of people practicing yoga in the United States has multiplied exponentially, from one million to 30 million. While some may have a complete understanding of the practice, for many there is still confusion. For example, we hear about […]
Written & Directed by Ted Nicolau The film Finding Happiness is a beautiful invitation to the Ananda spiritual community, wrapped lightly in the framework of a story. Of primary interest is the character J. Donald Waters, aka Swami Kriyananda, recently deceased founder of the Ananda movement worldwide, as himself. The film is set in the […]