Holistic Living articles:

Earth Facts for Earth Day

How far is Earth from the sun? What’s the deal with those pesky leap years? How about daylight savings? All those fun Earth facts from grade school might be buried beneath the perils of tax season, but Earth Day’s nigh approach provides a special opportunity to think anew (or in this case, old) about the […]

Moving Parts: The ins & outs of sexual lubricants

By Wendy Strgar Lubrication is a fact of life. In any relationship where working parts are at play, whether it be an engine, a dinner party or an evening of love, everything works better when it is “well oiled.” Lubrication allows for glide, ease and effectiveness. When lubrication is working well, it is invisible, a […]

6 Acting Tips to Help You Get the Job

By Jane Marla Robbins We all know that feeling—tightness in the belly, jumpy nerves, dry mouth, maybe even clammy hands—that can happen when something important is at stake, and job interviews are notorious for bringing it on. Here’s where we have something to learn from actors, who, with every audition,  are really interviewing to get […]

Meditation + Art = Less Anxiety


For women with breast cancer, a stress management routine that pairs meditation with art therapy could go a long way in alleviating anxiety. That’s the finding of a recent study from the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine, which involved 18 patients diagnosed with breast cancer within the last three years. For the study, one […]

Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life


When it’s examined and used in a purposeful way, sexual fantasizing and enactment can actually be a potent tool for healing unresolved issues in our lives, both within and outside of relationship.