Co-produced and directed by Heather Courtney This low-key documentary begins with all the hallmarks of a working class drama but unfolds into the kind of slower-moving “hippie” film initially disdained by its unlikely heroes, a crew of buddies from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The combat footage is startling (director Courtney embedded with the platoon to capture […]
Bioneers co-founder Nina Simons cultivates the power of the feminine
Crossing the Sierra Nevadas with nothing but a pocketknife
Thomas Coyne’s account of fishing with his hands, and other juicy details from the trail
Departed loved ones can be a source of strength and guidance

“The risks of vaccinating the way we do outweigh the benefits. The problem is there isn’t conclusive proof, and in the absence of proof we keep over-vaccinating.”
For those suffering from PTSD, yoga is a breath of fresh air
Exploring the Tim Burton exhibition at LACMA
Social networking gets a philanthropic groove
We can’t possibly review all the wonderful books we receive, so every issue features several that look particularly intriguing. Here we have divergent but deeply interrelated forces represented: spirituality, environment, health and activism.