Holistic Living articles:

What Dogs Know about Surrender

1-12-08 100-2

Every day, as I took Roscoe for walks and cleaned up his bleeding and gave him his meds, I would ask myself—and him—Is it time? Am I holding on too long? And every day his answer seemed to be, “It’s hard, but life is good. Get me some chicken. Let’s go for a walk.”

There Is Nothing Wrong with You

I met Peter at a summer camp for the Royal National Institute of Blind People in Hampshire, England. I was teaching a day on self-esteem to 50 teenagers, and Peter was in the class. They were like any large group of teenagers in school—creative, unruly, funny, boisterous, challenging, very energetic . . . and blind. […]

The Art of Slow Reading

We can’t possibly review all the wonderful books we receive, so we feature several in each issue that look particularly intriguing. In this issue, transformation and transcendence take the lead.

L.A. Programs Empower Community Youth

With the Los Angeles inner-city dropout rate at 50 percent and suicide the third leading cause of adolescent death in the nation, it’s not difficult to see that many of the next generation are floundering. Compounding the problem, the federal and state government are both poised for further funding cuts to education, leaving the concerned […]