Holistic Living articles:

Nontoxic Bedbug Solutions

creeped out guy for bedbugs

North America is seeing a nasty resurgence of bedbugs, and in 2010 the pest control company Terminex ranked Los Angeles tenth among the top 15 bedbug-infested cities in America.

We Are All Creative

Creativity is a natural part of all human beings, whether we acknowledge it or not

Getting Naked at the Hot Springs

HotSprings crop

Most soaking situations, especially noncommercial ones, attract visitors who love being in the outdoors, but having had my share of awkward encounters, I’m wary.

Only in LA: Psychic Soirée with Cocktails

On any given night in Los Angeles, sparking cocktail parties abound, replete with gift bags and glitterati. So what happens when you throw a New Age element like alternative healing practices into the mix? L.A. has always been on the leading edge of alternative spirituality and it’s definitely a party town, but cocktails and healing […]