Holistic Living articles:

How Main St. Beats Wall St.

According to the Independent Community Bankers of America, “Community banks channel most of their loans to the neighborhoods where their depositors live and work, helping to keep local communities vibrant and growing.”

Borrow a New Perspective

What makes you afraid? What pushes your buttons? What are your biases and why do you have them? The Human Library, a global project designed to reduce prejudice and stereotypes, works like a regular library except human beings (living books) are “checked out” with the aim of breaking down social misconceptions and forging contacts between […]

Celebrating Women

Create your own map for success

Women make up slightly more than 50 percent of the U.S. population and have given birth to 100 percent of it, so what’s the deal? Only about 15 percent of Fortune 500 companies have women on their boards of directors, and although women have seen more parity in wages for the same jobs in the past few years, at this rate it will be 2050 before their compensation is equal to men’s.


Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings (North Atlantic Books) is astrologer Rob Brezsny’s revised and expanded edition of his earlier cult classic. In it, he proposes 888 tricks for a blissful life.

Bye Bye Plastic Bottles

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto claims that if words or thoughts are directed at water droplets, they can change the quality of the water enough to make frozen crystals more or less lovely. So then, why not send positive messages to every drop you drink? Be Truly You’s glass water bottles are imprinted with words like […]

Lather with Love

The lovely mother-daughter team of Donna and Lauren hand-milks French Alpine goats (who have names like Sugar, Muffin and Precious) on their small farm in Ventura to produce creamy, aromatic soaps that will perk up a shower and inspire longing for a lingering bath. Fair Trade shea butter adds moisture, and fragrances are all natural […]

Peace in the New Year

Share your passion for peace with someone you love. Made in Los Angeles of recycled silver, this stunning jewelry comes in a recycled box with a peace seal hand stamped on each box and an organic cotton storage pouch. PeaceLoveEarth.com. . . . . . . . . . .