Holistic Living articles:

Sweat Lodge Deaths & Self-Help Gurus: A Question of Accountability

A Tragic Call To Attention

The recent and tragic events that involved three deaths and more than 19 injured and emotionally traumatized at a James Ray “Spiritual Warrior Retreat” deserves to be treated with some gentleness, for this is more than a news item, but a horrific experience of loss and suffering that is having an impact on far more people than only those who were there. It is also a criminal…

A Kid’s Eye View of the Summer of Love


Whether or not the hippie movement was a success, and whether or not their ideas and protests stopped the Vietnam War, the flower children in that garden were the real thing.

Busting the Myth of Multitasking

“Multitasking is a myth. You are just switching rapidly back and forth between tasks, which makes you more error prone and actually takes longer than if you just attended to the tasks one by one.”

Stealing a Moment of Silence in L.A.

The City of Angels may be known for its sunny demeanor, but the daily grind can chip away at the best of us. Whether you’re a high-flying studio exec or a self-employed computer slave, everyone needs a little break.

A Workable Fix for California’s Debt Crisis

When the California consumer base falters, businesses are shaken nationwide. If AIG and the other Wall Street welfare recipients are too big to fail, California is way too big to fail.

The Vanishing Honeybees

Imagine half a million adults skipping town and leaving their kids behind. That’s what’s happening in bee world. Honeybees are all getting out of Dodge, and we have no clue why.