Holistic Living articles:

The Mountain Is the Master


People spend billions of dollars talking to psychologists, attending self-improvement seminars and seeking out various “masters” who suggest they know “the way.” The reason for our occasionally desperate search for answers is that our consumer culture is removed from raw nature

Spa-mazing Eco Indulgence


Spas throughout Los Angeles offer wide-ranging menus of facials, massages, scrubs and mani-pedis. But the best of them serve not just spa guests, but Mother Earth as well, offering eco-friendly treatments in a sustainable venue.

SoCal Hands-On Permaculture Community


wild-series-6Quail Springs residents are committed to nurturing young people and educating the public, both rural and urban, by introducing them to wildlife and ways of living in harmony with the natural environment.

Enrich LA’s School Gardens Raise Plants and Test Scores


“Some of these schools have metal [bars] on the windows. They are like prisons. All a child needs to see is someone looking out for him, doing something for him, then showing up again and again. I’m going to get my hands dirty, dig gardens and be there for everything we do,” promised O’Grady.

Book Review: Tantra for the West


Using a frank and honest voice that weaves personal anecdotes with simple, direct applications in the areas of work, money, creativity, food and drink, solitude, meditation, healing and aging, freedom, enlightenment, sex and relationships, Allen provides ample practices for living the life of your dreams in this very moment.

A Swan Embrace


It’s really a wonderful feeling when you sense a true connection and mutual trust—when an animal realizes you mean him no harm.

Dead Animals on the Dinner Table


Why shouldn’t Ray order whatever he wanted, even if seeing brains on his plate made my own brain want to explode? As long as he didn’t expect me to munch on a bunny rabbit.

DIY Sun Protection with No Harmful Chemicals


It’s the middle of summer and you’re probably trying to savor every single beach day. But even without full-on bathing-suit exposure, any time you’re outside of a building, including in your car, you’re vulnerable to sun damage. Are you safely protecting your skin from all of this UV radiation exposure?

Why We Get Cancer


I don’t doubt that miracles happen among cancer patients. I’m one of them. But I find it hard to believe anyone would bypass chemo and surgery for affirmations or crystals or mangosteen.