Holistic Living articles:

Five Days of Inspirational Films


The Illuminate Film Festival promises five days of inspirational viewing — metaphysical, sustainable and socially conscious films.

Surfing for a Healthy Pregnancy

For a pregnant woman, California’s cool ocean waters are a welcome relief from heightened body temperature, anxiety and fluctuating hormones, and the buoyancy of salt water lightens the extra weight you’re carrying. But there are health benefits as well.

Book—The Warrior’s Path


This insightful work can serve as a guide for the practicing yogi in rethinking ways of putting time-honored precepts into practice, in yoga and in life.

Book—Parenting with Presence

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Stiffelman helps parents shine a light on the roots of their own reactionary outbursts, and suggests new ways to communicate so that everyone feels heard, respected and connected.

Book—Shortcuts to Mindfulness


Catherine Auman offers a rational perspective tempered with spiritual insights, emotional awareness and sometimes-offbeat observations.