A Tragic Call To Attention
The recent and tragic events that involved three deaths and more than 19 injured and emotionally traumatized at a James Ray “Spiritual Warrior Retreat” deserves to be treated with some gentleness, for this is more than a news item, but a horrific experience of loss and suffering that is having an impact on far more people than only those who were there. It is also a criminal…
The City of Angels may be known for its sunny demeanor, but the daily grind can chip away at the best of us. Whether you’re a high-flying studio exec or a self-employed computer slave, everyone needs a little break.
“In reality there is a single integral community of the Earth… In this community every being has its own role to fulfill, its own dignity, its inner spontaneity. Every being has its own voice.”
Margot Anand’s Skydancing brings the ecstasy of love into everyday life
Anyone who thinks it’s easy to start a business has never tried. It takes a lot more perspiration than inspiration, and there are a multitude of pitfalls along the way. But easy and simple are two different stories.