“Sidewalk Oracles” has brightened my interest in daily neighborhood walks, shown me how to create an entertaining and useful homemade oracle, and restored my understanding of continuity in the universe. Perhaps most important in the long run, it’s also reinvigorated my neglected habit of scribing dreams.
Ancient mysteries meet modern musical influences in this exciting new remix.
A Course of Love speaks directly, personally and powerfully, gently guiding the reader to “wholeheartedness,” an integration of mind and heart to “end the tyranny of the ego-driven mind.”
Did you know that you are fearless, generous beyond thought, gracious, creative, able to shapeshift your destiny? You are! So what is keeping you from celebrating yourself, from living the bountiful life you deserve and can create?
NASA’s photographs motivated the award-winning director and composer to musically explore how humans and nature, art and science are all connected.
As profound religious experiences proliferate, we learn to recognize evidence of the new consciousness in friends and ourselves, and forgive the author for occasionally indulging in excessive details of wardrobes and accessories of the most beautiful people anyone has ever seen.
These days, skilled practitioners are using sound for everything from stress and pain relief to remedying sleep disorders and assisting the dying.
The retreat will be held online for free, so that anyone with internet access can be a part of the Hawaiian retreat community.
We can only become free to create a life, a business and a world that fits our deepest aspirations when we invent (or discover) a life philosophy that helps us thrive. This is not about smarts. This is about wisdom.
There is a consistency in the kirtan genre that is pleasing but often predictable, and while there is a place for purists, some of kirtan’s most delightful musical moments emerge when it’s used in new ways.