Monthly Archives: February 2016

Book Review: A Course of Love


A Course of Love speaks directly, personally and powerfully, gently guiding the reader to “wholeheartedness,” an integration of mind and heart to “end the tyranny of the ego-driven mind.”

Adventure for Two in L.A.

nature-Sandstone Peak

Whether you want an urban art experience, a romp in nature, music and theater or a spa indulgence, it’s hard to beat our city for a day of adventure and romance.

little pine by Moby

Moby 1

The ambience here is more pine forest than palm grove— all that’s missing on a chilly evening is a roaring fire—but little pine’s Mediterranean-inspired all-organic vegan fare would be most welcome in either place.

The Ebell Women’s Club


Despite the advantages of social media, current members speak most highly of their personal connections with a group of like-minded women.

Lynn Andrews


Did you know that you are fearless, generous beyond thought, gracious, creative, able to shapeshift your des­tiny? You are! So what is keeping you from celebrating yourself, from living the bountiful life you deserve and can create?

Kenji Williams

CD_Cover_BellaGaia (RGB)

NASA’s photographs motivated the award-winning director and composer to musically explore how humans and nature, art and science are all connected.

Aromatherapy after Surgery


Researchers found that aromatherapy (sniffing certain scents) may be a better solution to treat post-operative nausea.

The Vaccine Controversy

SB277, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on June 30, 2015, mandates that all school-aged children receive 30–31 vaccinations by the time they are age 6, and a total of 37-38 by the time they are age 18. If not, they will not be permitted to attend public or private school.