This so-called troublemaker planet, Mercury, goes retrograde next on Oct 31st and goes direct on Nov 21st. These upcoming weeks deliver a lot of gifts if we are willing to look at them.
It may seem farfetched to expect farmers to suddenly stop using the most widely used herbicide in the world. However, we have faith in the ingenuity of our farmers.
Sometimes mistaken for complacency, laziness, and a lack of edge and ambition, it might be worth re-defining contentment as “the refined art of knowing when we have enough” — the ability to relax, enjoy, and appreciate what we actually have.
The scent of sacred oils enveloped us — myrrh, frankincense, and geranium among them — each oil bringing a gift to help guide our friend and ease our hearts.
The production is just as thoughtful, with lush guitars and drums. Oh, did I mention that Ringo Star and Beck are her back-up musicians on some of the songs? Lewis isn't showing off; she's just deservedly graduated to the big time.