Culture & Media articles:

Kitty Cafes


“One of the things we know now about the new science behind human/animal interaction is it is changing our brains so that we see a release of oxytocin and an increase in dopamine production in the brain.” Yep, time with Fluffy boosts our feel-good hormones.

Finding Home

Home at last

My journey entailed the discovery of our true nature that dwells within each one of us and how that enlightened consciousness navigates our given life thereafter.

The (not so) Little Book of Surprises

Will Arntz

The pieces in the book have a familiar sense about them; they speak to our inner wisdom. Hade has an uncanny ability to put into words the wisdom of the mystics, reminding us of our capacity for spiritual transformation.

It’s not a trade, it’s an offering

Giving 1

I believe there’s a simple and immediate way to empowerment: look inside yourself and tap into your place of “radical generosity”—make an offering!

Taking Control of Your Life


In January, we are entering the year 2017 (2+0+1+7= 10, then reduce down to a single digit, 1+0=1) which breaks down to the number 1.

A Bodhi Tree Grows


“One of the guiding mottos when envisioning Bodhi’s new form was to find a way to create an appealing balance drawn from the Transcen­dentalist’s values of wisdom, beauty, and truth.”



To be of use is more than problem-solving; it shares the same purpose as art, no matter its form: to marry what is with what can be, to forge dream into reality and circumstance back into dream.

Innocence Lost

49092144 - olive oil and berries are on the wooden table under the olive tree.

A much publicized study by the University of California-Davis’ Olive Center found that more than two-thirds of imported oils labeled extra virgin, the highest possible grade, failed to meet the extra virgin legal requirements.

Dietrich Strause


Strause’s thoughtful musings on our country’s troubled times may have been better appreciated 50 years ago—or even 20—but he’s hoping there’s still an audience for quietly devastating music like his. We hope so, too.

Film – Inez Milholland

Forward Into Light

This year the U.S. is on the verge of electing its first woman president and making the dream of Inez and thousands and thousands of other suffragists worth their suffering and their sacrifices.