Combat Environmental Pollution

Everything is at its essence energy, or frequencies vibrating at different speeds. Some frequencies are coherent and resonate in harmony with our body. Others interfere and are incoherent, creating disharmony.
Everything is at its essence energy, or frequencies vibrating at different speeds. Some frequencies are coherent and resonate in harmony with our body. Others interfere and are incoherent, creating disharmony.
As an End of Life Guide, Death Doula, and Home Funeral Guide, I accompany people in their last chapters of life; it is the place where Conscious Living and Conscious Dying meet.
Take a quiet moment: sit with your back to the bark of a tree trunk and gaze at a shaft of sunlight that crosses through the forest. Just breathe….
If you’re busy, you’re not alone; busy has become a new normal. The allure of busy is steeped in the perception that busy means high demand, and therefore, important…
The Founding Fathers were highly influenced by the Five Nations Confederacy adopting much of the governance model. The successful Haundenosaunee way was widely known. Philosophers, delegates, and politicians all had attended councils or invited Chiefs to attend “White Men Meetings” to share their wisdom.
American consumers now buy four times more clothing than they did in the 1980s. Twenty-six billion pounds of clothing ended up in landfills last year. It takes approximately 713 gallons of water to create one T-shirt. His solution? “Buy less, buy better, buy quality.”
Own what you want, but always remember, your stuff owns you right back. Really consider what stuff adds value to your life and what stuff doesn’t serve any purpose.
I define courage as being able to look over circumstances we’re placed in and be able to fight to create the things we want. The biggest challenge we face is shifting humanity’s consciousness from not “saving the planet.” The planet doesn’t need saving. We do.
Certifying restaurants is important, because an average restaurant uses 300,000 gallons of water every year, and throws out 150,000 pounds of garbage.
With all of our winter rains, our landscape no longer looks like a desert, but rather a verdant wilderness garden. Wild plants have sprung up prolifically in yards and alleys and open fields. Most of these are great foods and medicines, disguised as “weeds.”