Food articles:

Stop a Cold with These Immune Boosters

For sore throats, her mother always gave her tea made from thinly sliced ginger boiled for ten minutes. Figuring it would hydrate me, I drank the tea and went to bed. The next morning, I was amazed when I woke up without a sore throat.

Matthew Kenney’s 105 Degrees Haute

Matthew Kenney melds raw foods culinary training with classical techniques – At Oklahoma City’s newly opened 105 Degrees Café and Academy, there are no ovens, no microwaves, no steaming plates, and definitely no banging pots and pans. Aside from a steady stream of jazz tunes, the ambient noise is an occasional juicer whirring or blender spinning. The atmosphere in the open kitchen seems uncustomarily calm, with a small-but-focused crew of uniformed chefs-in-training plating edible works of art.

Tea for One

Once you get accustomed to loose tea, you’ll never go back to teabags; it’s like bottled wine vs. boxed. But who has time to brew on a hectic morning? This glass and stainless Perfect Steeper makes a self-contained, no-mess, perfect cup of tea. Just add loose leaves and hot water, turn upside down to steep, […]

Alter Eco Chocolate

Most balanced dietary guidelines include fruit, vegetables and whole grains, but some days it’s a challenge to feed our bodies in the best way and we end up indulging in something slightly less nutritious. Admittedly it’s difficult to get a full serving from just a few bites of anything, but Alter Eco has devised a […]

Alicia Silverstone Rethinks Food, Kindness and Weight Loss


“I really had to take a look at my dog and say, ‘If I’m not willing to eat my dog, why am I willing to eat these other creatures who have the same desire to live, the same capacity for pain and playfulness, and passion for living?’”

The Rainbow Diet

Eating across the color spectrum helps keep your nutrients in balance

Have you ever wondered why blue M&Ms were the last ones to show up, long after red, green, yellow and brown had been melting in your mouth, not in your hand, for years? Until the advent of artificial colorings and flavorings, blue foods just didn’t seem right to most people, and for good reason: other than blueberries and blue-purple potatoes, there are very few naturally occurring blue foods on this planet. For our ancestors, blue was a color warning