Health is an Inside Job

Nature has given us an abundance of everything our bodies need. Our job is to educate ourselves, then break our addictions, destructive habits, and poor food choices.
Nature has given us an abundance of everything our bodies need. Our job is to educate ourselves, then break our addictions, destructive habits, and poor food choices.
Pretending you don’t hurt and/or it isn’t a harder time of the year is just not the truth for you. But you can — and will — get through the holidays.
Those with children or relatives on the spectrum will be happy to know there are some relatively easy guidelines to follow when shopping for little ones and teens.
This leads to a compelling question: Is it possible — just possible — that there’s something we don’t fully understand about ourselves, about life, and about God, the understanding of which would change everything?
Neuroplasticity is a relatively new discovery for science, and it matches what sages have known for millennia about how the world molds and shapes the brain.
We tend to think of mood disorders as somehow different from “physical” ailments, but many clinical studies show that physical, measurable aspects of the body (biomarkers) strongly influence the mental state — it’s not just in your head.
Possibilities abound when you are willing to be honest about your current health story and whether it is working for you.
Beyond cultural or religious identifications, everyone is affected by Divine light falling upon the planet in this beautifully rare and healing way.
The search for our center is an inner journey which presents opportunities to intimately know balance and peace.
Throughout the next year, in every workshop we ran, whenever we set up our clusters of eight or so people in each group, gave them a little instruction and asked them to send intention to a group member, we were stunned witnesses to story after story of physical and psychic transformation.