Chumash Healing with Wild Local Plants
“In the olden days, Chumash saw the spirit, mind and body as inseparable entities that could not be treated separately in disease. All healing involved the spirit, the mind and the body.”
“In the olden days, Chumash saw the spirit, mind and body as inseparable entities that could not be treated separately in disease. All healing involved the spirit, the mind and the body.”
Taking a few minutes to relax and center yourself can help keep you focused for the rest of the day.
Do-it-yourself advice on throwing an eco-holiday fete, from where to find environmentally conscious party accoutrements, how to avoid a carbon footprint, to supporting local vendors we love—all the while giving a major nod to Mother Earth.
It is an invasive infection, meaning it can spread beyond your gastrointestinal system, possibly causing septicemia and meningitis. In other words, it should be taken seriously.
Joint pain, dizziness and cramps are common complaints, especially among beginning yogis who don’t know what level of discomfort, if any, might be appropriate. At the same time, it can be confusing when a teacher says, “Find your edge,” or “Breathe into discomfort.”
Savin gives us detailed descriptions of the locations of each of the seven chakras and their associated colors, elements, areas of body governance, physical problems arising from imbalance, associated belief systems, mental and emotional correspondences, over- and underactive chakric issues, spiritual lessons and chakric truths.
Advances in neuro-science have recently confirmed that something as simple as a walk through a natural setting produces significant changes in the portion of our brain known as the subgenual prefrontal cortex (sgPFC).
By now we’ve all had kale salad in a zillion permutations that all taste like, well, kale. The marinated kale salad here, with walnuts and zingy bits of kalamata olives, is better. Whatever one you’re comparing it to? Yes, better.
“There is no sense talking about male nature and female nature. No one person has all the male characteristics and another person all the female characteristics.”
When you react to someone’s anger, you become vulnerable to the negative thought forms that person is throwing out, allowing the negativity to attach to your aura. Remaining in a neutral and positive state is extremely important.