Health & Wellness articles:

Alicia Silverstone Rethinks Food, Kindness and Weight Loss


“I really had to take a look at my dog and say, ‘If I’m not willing to eat my dog, why am I willing to eat these other creatures who have the same desire to live, the same capacity for pain and playfulness, and passion for living?’”

Thanksgiving in the Blue Zone


There are a few places around the world where people live unusually long and healthy lives, called Blue Zones. For the past five years, Dan Buettner has been taking teams of scientists and writers to these places, and documenting their secrets to longevity.

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Why the FDA withholds information about nutritional supplements – Some say ignorance is bliss, but when it comes to your diet, it’s anything but. Over the last 60 years, scientists have investigated the healing power of certain dietary ingredients found in nature and published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Among them…

Natural Mystic

Wild plants flourishing in L.A.’s canyons and hills have a history of magic and tradition.Burning sage is commonly understood to be an effective way of clearing energy, but it’s more than that. Every time we light a sage wand and let its fragrant smoke swirl around our homes, we’re not only creating good vibes, we’re also powerfully connecting with the native traditions of the land we inhabit…

H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine

There are safety concerns about the vaccine and questions about close ties between government and drug makers. The new vaccine likely will be the fastest ever to market, and immunity has been granted to the vaccine’s developers.

Since it first appeared last April in Mexico, the H1N1 flu has been not-so-merrily skipping around the globe strewing fear and misinformation in its path.

The Internet is rife with outlandish remedies (from cannabis to putting ghee up your nose), conspiracy theories—H1N1 is an evil plan by the Illuminati to reduce world population by two-thirds, and suggestions for “swine flu parties.” These party animals—and even some misguided parents who’d like to send their kids—deliberately seek exposure to the flu in hopes of acquiring immunity before it mutates into a more virulent strain. It just sounds like a bad idea to actively seek a virus that has killed…