By the Numbers!

Whatever we feel we didn’t understand in the year 2019, and what did not make sense to us, will become crystal clear in the year 2020.
Whatever we feel we didn’t understand in the year 2019, and what did not make sense to us, will become crystal clear in the year 2020.
This so-called troublemaker planet, Mercury, goes retrograde next on Oct 31st and goes direct on Nov 21st. These upcoming weeks deliver a lot of gifts if we are willing to look at them.
Sometimes mistaken for complacency, laziness, and a lack of edge and ambition, it might be worth re-defining contentment as “the refined art of knowing when we have enough” — the ability to relax, enjoy, and appreciate what we actually have.
The scent of sacred oils enveloped us — myrrh, frankincense, and geranium among them — each oil bringing a gift to help guide our friend and ease our hearts.
In his Interpretation of Dreams, psychoanalyst Dr. Sigmund Freud said, “Dreams are quite incapable of expressing the alternative ‘either – or’; it is their custom to take both members of this alternative into the same context, as though they had an equal right to be there.”
The 9 Month also means it is time to re-evaluate the people in your life. Who truly belongs there? Try to surround yourself with people who know how to give and take with you in a way that makes for a flowing and nurturing relationship.
All manifestation has this type of expression. Everything that exists in nature is an outpouring of the Platonic Solids, the forms that represent “the building blocks of all life.”
The global community of three trillion trees, with an average age of centuries, has stories beyond our wildest dreams. Some have seen the rise and fall of civilizations, changes in our ways of life, and the moving from the sacred to the urban.
Join us for this exclusive pre-launch event to hear powerful and personal stories of transformation shared by Dr. Sue’s esteemed colleagues and friends including:
December ultimately breaks down to a 3 (December=12, 1+2=3), but before the final breakdown, it is a 12/3 and has the Numbers 1, 2 and 3 in it. There is something very magical about that number combination.