Light on the Land

Not just another sea of nondescript plants, flowers and shrubs, the public landscape he designed to surround the center is innovative, dramatic and well conceived.
Not just another sea of nondescript plants, flowers and shrubs, the public landscape he designed to surround the center is innovative, dramatic and well conceived.
Horse therapy is Ride On for kids with all kinds of disabilities
By Elizabeth Barker Hitting the sack early may help you shed pounds, a new study from the International Journal of Obesity suggests. In tests on 472 obese adults, scientists discovered that those who snoozed at least six hours each night were more likely to reach their weight-loss goals than study members who skimped on sleep. […]
Some dogs just romp on the beach. Sylvia, starring Tanna Frederick, brings her wild and endearing antics to the Santa Monica stage
A yoga workout is just one part of an eightfold spiritual path.
Alternative and integrative cancer treatments could change—or save—your life
If you have any doubts about the effectiveness of TM (Transcendental Meditation), just look at David Lynch, one of its major proponents. Lynch built a brilliant career on moody and eccentric (Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet et al), and last night at a gorgeous event hosted by Pamela and Jeferey Levy in Beverly Hills, he was […]