The first cookbook I ever owned was Adele Davis’ Let’s Cook It Right, and to this day I still use some of her recipes. I’d been raised in a meat ‘n’ potatoes family, so many of her ideas were very eye-opening for me. I’ll never forget my first bowl of granola with wheat germ and […]
A film by Austin Vickers Review by Abigail Lewis If you’re wondering why you sometimes feel overwhelmed, it might be that each one of us receives an estimated 4 billion bits of sensory information a day. These are transmitted to the brain, which then filters them into an internal representation, or experience of events based […]
Directed by Holly Mosher Review by Jacquelin Sonderling How much does it cost to take a woman from poverty to a life of self-determination? Pennies a day, if you ask economist Mohammad Yunus. Yunas realized that traditional economic theory doesn’t apply to people who are so poor they can’t even meet their basic needs, and […]
“Green” used to mean inexperienced. Now it can describe the ultimate life experience. By Katie Sandberg Angelenos intrigued with living lightly on the planet are accustomed to confronting challenges. Whether it’s buying Fair Trade products or consuming less animal protein to reduce our environmental impact, we’re willing to go that extra step—to think about not […]

Whether it’s beach, lake or forest, “To be present in the natural world has an effect. We really need this now, more than ever.”
According to a poll released by the National Sleep Foundation, only 28 percent of us get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, and 20 percent of us don’t even get six.
Baywatch star Alexandra Paul helps women find a voice By Maria Fotopoulos International Women’s Day, Earth Day and Mother’s Day celebrate women and honor mothers—those we birth, those who birth us, and the one that provides for us every day of our lives: Mother Earth. So how fares the female half of the world’s population? […]
by Kim Henderson It’s April—and the Northern hemisphere is experiencing the delight of waxing daylight and warmer temperatures—the joy of spring. It’s also the month that our big blue planet receives some much-needed focus and attention on Earth Day, April 22, and Arbor day, April 28. While eco-friendly celebrations abound, contemplating the state of our […]
Written and directed by Elizabeth Browning If you live in an urban center of the United States and make it to the age of 40, it’s almost guaranteed that at some point you’re going to look in the mirror and be appalled to see a few wrinkles, or as one ingenuous three-year old described this […]
California’s labeling ballot could change the way our country eats