I define courage as being able to look over circumstances we’re placed in and be able to fight to create the things we want. The biggest challenge we face is shifting humanity’s consciousness from not “saving the planet.” The planet doesn’t need saving. We do.

I consulted conventional surgeons, hand surgeons, and physic surgeons. I tried acupuncturists and chiropractors. I certainly tried prayer. I meditated. I tried people who shook strange objects over my head and chanted in weird guttural languages that I didn’t understand, but I was always told the same thing: I would never play the way I used to play.

This outdoor adventure park first opened in 1955 – predating Disneyland. The original park closed in 1998, but just a year ago, a new, exciting version of SkyPark at Santa’s Village emerged under new ownership just in time for the Ho-Ho-Holidays.

The first issue has to do with the soil. Iodine doesn’t occur naturally in most foods. It’s ingested primarily through food grown in iodine-rich soil. However frequent flooding across mountain ranges around the world has washed away iodine, while widespread deforestation and soil erosion also adds to the problem.

Some trails are packed down enough that snowshoes aren’t required. Boots were enough for the East Inlet Trail near Grand Lake. However, wander off the trail a few inches and you’re up to your thighs in snow. Out by Big Meadow, my closest-ever moose sighting thrilled me. She kept chewing her leaves as I took a bazillion photos. Ah, another tourist, she said.