Speaking through top Hollywood talent and visually gorgeous cinematography, the individual videos convey the message that nature, in all her magnificence, doesn’t really give a damn whether the human race survives, and in fact might prefer it didn't.
In a forgiving and often humorous way, he slashes to the bone the underlying traps people fall prey to, in denying their own fundamental divinity—the real message here. It’s a repair manual for the soul.
“There is no sense talking about male nature and female nature. No one person has all the male characteristics and another person all the female characteristics.”
"Sidewalk Oracles" has brightened my interest in daily neighborhood walks, shown me how to create an entertaining and useful homemade oracle, and restored my understanding of continuity in the universe. Perhaps most important in the long run, it’s also reinvigorated my neglected habit of scribing dreams.
Ancient mysteries meet modern musical influences in this exciting new remix.
A Course of Love speaks directly, personally and powerfully, gently guiding the reader to “wholeheartedness,” an integration of mind and heart to “end the tyranny of the ego-driven mind.”
Whether you want an urban art experience, a romp in nature, music and theater or a spa indulgence, it’s hard to beat our city for a day of adventure and romance.
The ambience here is more pine forest than palm grove— all that’s missing on a chilly evening is a roaring fire—but little pine’s Mediterranean-inspired all-organic vegan fare would be most welcome in either place.
Despite the advantages of social media, current members speak most highly of their personal connections with a group of like-minded women.